Hotel of Economy Sufficiency Awards
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The hotel business is a type of business that is very important in the tourism industry. The result growth of Communication and tourism expansion. Hotels in Thailand are facing oversupply in many areas, including problems caused by economic impacts or unrest situation in the country. From the derivation and problems that have occurred, there are hotel operators in Thailand that have adopted the principles of sufficiency economy philosophy in their operations and solve problems. Which has related departments And support about many sufficiency economy philosophy In rewarding And selecting the sample business to apply the sufficiency economy philosophy.This article focuses on the hotels that have received the award from the office of the Royal Development Projects Board (ORDPB) And the hotels that have been selected to participate in the project by Porlaewdee. With the objectives 1) to study, collect and classify hotels that apply sufficiency economy philosophy to apply to business that get award from the office of the Royal Development Projects Board and that have been selected to participate in the project by Porlaewdee. 2) Analyze the key concepts of the hotel that has received the award the Royal Development Projects Board and the hotels that have been selected to participate in the project by Porlaewdee.
Research process 1) Study, review and research papers 2) Study website and documents of the office of the Royal Development Projects Board and Porlaewdee. 3) Collect data from interviewing staff of office of the Royal Development Projects Board and Porlaewdee. 4) Analyze data by applying literature review, concept, theory of sufficiency economy philosophy and hotel classification criteria With the following criteria 1) Awards received 2) Location 3) Building type 4) Regions and provinces 5) Size and number of rooms Analyzed with on the hotels that have received the award and the hotels that have been selected to participate in the project, How are each concept based on the sufficiency economy philosophy? And what type of hotel Where is it located? The results of the study showed that the hotel received awards and was selected each the hotels have a concept based on the philosophy of sufficiency economy that differs according to individual understanding. Most of them are Resort Hotel which is a low rise building that is a small hotel. When divided by region and province, then found that the award-winning hotel is in the central region. And most in Bangkok.
Article Details
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