Opportunities and Limitations in Applying “Community Garden” for Repairing The Housing Projects of National Housing Authority, Case Study: Klong Chan Housing Community

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Kantikorn Mahachotikul
Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi


          Klong Chan, Walk-Up Apartment is housing for low-income people, the first low-income residential project managed by the National Housing Authority. The building is more than 40 years old. Currently, The National Housing Authority found that the use of the space did not support residents’ and the environment did not encourage the quality of life of residents. The research study the needs to design and improve the environment of the project with the concept "Community Garden”. Data collection includes a survey interviews and focus group discussions with the participation in the community. The research results can create awareness of opportunities and limitations in terms of physical, environmental, economic and community policies. These results can be proposed to the National Housing Authority to develop and improve community development plans
          In summary, this study states that: (1) Natural Factors is sufficiency potentialities to renovate the area in front of the building and around the building for Community Garden, and found limitations on the ownership of national housing areas that require agreement between the community and the national housing for the use of rehabilitation areas (2) In Terms of Residents may be divided into 2 groups, the owners and the tenants, most of them are over 60 years old. Both groups have positive attitude towards using Community Garden to improve the community but still lack knowledge and understanding about agriculture and financial management. Residents need to have a community enterprise or leader to be responsible and to assist them. However, National Housing Authority's corporate policy and the law are not supportive for such development yet due to the lack of action planning, readiness to the National Housing Authority and other agencies before the supports and development assistance for the Community Garden can come true.
          The research result states the; there are many opportunities for development in terms of physical and needs. People in the community are aware of the problems of their communities. But there are still limitations regarding lack of guidance and knowledge in community gardening, management and readiness to take responsibility for the restored area. Even community garden can happen but cannot operate sustainably

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