Determinants of Decision-Making in Purchasing or Renting Condominiums of Chulalongkorn University Students, Bangkok
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The objective of this research is to study the social, economic, and factors affecting the decision of students and parents Chulalongkorn university to choose to buy or rent condominium projects during the study. By collecting data with inquiring from 401 samples of Chulalongkorn university students and analyzing descriptive statistics.
The results show that the sample groups can be divided into 2 groups, which are 52.87% of condominium buyers and 47.13% of tenants. Most are undergraduate students. Regarding domicile information, it was found that the majority of the students' groups were domiciled. 52.86 percent from other provinces and 42.14 percent were former Bangkok and its surrounding provinces. The group of students, buyers, and tenants have the objective of choosing condominiums for living during university studies. According to the study of condominiums located in the inner Bangkok, students' parents with incomes of more than 150,000 baht per month are found and most tenants with income of parents are 50,001-100,000 baht per month, living in this area by household income (parents) affects buying or renting condominiums in different locations. The parents are an influential person. For make a decision in choosing a condominium, taking into consideration the location factor of the condominium that is near the university, followed by Security Including the need for co-working spaces and projects with convenience stores, restaurants.
From the general study, the factors that affect the selection are the price, but this study found that the important factors that parents and students considered first is Project location by focusing on projects that are close to the educational institutions, mainly for convenience and Safe in the life of students, by household income, parents of students can indicate the ability to choose to buy or rent. Condominiums that are related to the location or distance as well Most of the group of students who are domiciled are from other provinces. In a location near the university or may buy a project that is not near the university, but taking into account the connection to the sky train. Convenient city This study will benefit the project developers and the university administrators as a guideline for creating Strategy and development of housing project for Chulalongkorn university students in accordance with current needs.
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