The Development of Tool for Assessing Landscape Capabilities to Promote Perceived Restoration from Mental Fatigue

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พีรพรรณ ธีรบุษยเวศย์
จามรี จุลกะรัตน์
อรัญญา ตุ้ยคัมภีร์
วิลาสินี วิลาสินี


          The benefits of the natural environment to the mental restoration and individual well-being has long been studied both in Thailand and other countries. The Attention Restoration Theory (ART) describes four qualities of the natural environment which can promote restoration and recovery from mental fatigue. These include 1) being away (giving a sense of distance from unwanted distraction), 2) fascinating (providing interesting environmental contents which can effortlessly be distracted), 3) extent (allowing easily perception of structure, order, and physical boundary of the environment), and 4) compatibility (matching with the demand of the individuals). Due to the lack of a tool for assessing the restorative capabilities of the natural environment in Thailand, this research aims to develop a tool for assessing perceived restoration from mental fatigue of different landscapes. Based on extensive study of theories in landscape perception, three landscape types (forest, grassland, and waterfront) mentioned as possessing restorative potential were used in the development of the questionnaire—the tool. To test the quality of this developed tool, seventy university students from various fields were asked to voluntarily fill out the questionnaire. The results from statistical analysis showed that this tool holds good reliability; from the measure of internal consistency, Cronbach's alpha coefficients of forest, grassland, and waterfront are .88, .89 and .87, respectively. Therefore, this would be a reliable tool for collecting data useful to the development of understanding about landscapes with potential for reducing mental health problems in Thai society. Finally, as this study used photographs as representatives of each landscape type, research focusing on the comparison of differences between the use of photographs and videos, along with actual environments, as such representatives would provide useful information.

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