Study on Multi-Use of Public Open Spaces in Songkhla Old Town

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Natthikhun Thunhawas
Supagtra Suthasupa


          This study aims to study the physical attributes of the public open spaces in Songkhla Old Town, the utilization of such public open spaces, and the relationship between these two subjects. The conceptual framework consists of 6 physical attributes: connectivity, nearby building-uses, entering ways, visibility and accessibility, facility, and identity. Besides, the concept of the usage of public open spaces includes the utilization by numerous users, in various times and for many activities.

           The research methods contain a site survey and an evaluation of physical attributes, as well as an observation of the multiple uses on a sampling of 24 public open spaces which are categorized into 4 types: a temple ground, an urban plaza, a thoroughfare, a garden and waterfronts. Then, the physical attributes, the utilization of public open spaces, and the relationship between these two facets are investigated. The results reveal that the thoroughfare is the highest multi-used open space. The significant physical attributes which are related to the multi-use of the public space are visibility and accessibility. Moreover, the economic and social activities are found to significantly enhance the space utilization. The differences of the degrees to which the physical attributes and the utilization of public spaces lead to the open space development guidelines and social interaction in the community.

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