Landscape Design of Public Areas Influencing Buying Decision for Single Housing Projects in Bangkok : Case Studies of The Perfect Place Projects

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kochamol kaewprom
Chamawong Suriyachan
Nilubol Klongvessa


          Now real estate industry pays much attention to landscape design of public areas since it could influence decisions in buying homes for single housing projects in Bangkok. Also, it helps create good environment, respond to the needs of residents, meet buyer’s consideration, and effectively act as a guidance for a project development. This study chose the Perfect Place projects since it stands for single housing projects ranging from 5 - 10 million baht. In addition, their locations are spreading around Bangkok Metropolitan Area and has adequate number of buyers to confirm the study results. The purpose of the study are 1) to Identify homebuyers’ needs to design landscapes for single housing projects ranging from 5 - 10 million baht and 2) to suggest design consideration for landscape design of public areas for single housing projects ranging from 5 - 10 million baht.
           Research methods includes reviewing related literature and theories, interviewing involved stakeholders: owner, designers, sale and marketing teams. Moreover, this study distributes questionnaires survey to the project’s buyers and potential buyers. The results from interview found main landscape features of public areas that are main entrance, park, clubhouse, and streetscape. The results from questionnaires found that safety of the main entrance is among the first priority influence decisions in buying homes. Whereas, facilities for all, including disabled person and elderly, of the clubhouse is among the last priority influence decisions in buying homes. Landscape design consideration of main entrance, park, clubhouse, and streetscape should develop in accordance of behavior of buyers’ buying decision. As a result, buyers considerations focus on safety and facility in a daily life more than size and location of landscape design of public areas.

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