The Comparison of The Costs and Benefits of Housing Subdivision Projects in Thailand by Using The Bertaud Model : Case Study of Thanyaburi District, Pathumthani Province

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โชติรัตน์ สว่างวงษ์
กุณฑลทิพย พานิชภักดิ์
ภานินี ชยานันท์


          The Bertaud Model was created for improving the project feasibility study, for instance, the low-rise real estate projects development. For the related professionals in project development, a model is a tool as a computer application that can simplify the development process and achieve the pre-feasibility study at once. Meanwhile, a model can be used in parallel to calculate the costs and benefits of the project plan. A specialty of a model is using it either before a planning process or in parallel with the design process. Therefore, a model is suitable for housing subdivision projects.
          According to literature reviews, there is a lot of site planning typical which affect the salable area, costs, benefits, and qualities of life. This article is comparing costs, benefits, and land-use proportion of housing subdivision projects in 5 typical in Thanyaburi district, Pathumthani province, Thailand. The 5 types of projects plan classify by circulation layout, as well as linear layout, grid layout, loop layout, cul-de-sac layout, and multi-layout, and using the Bertaud Model as a project feasibility study.
          The conclusion, different project layouts such as land size, land shape affect land-use proportion, for instance, salable and non-salable area, and significantly affect costs and benefits. The result of comparison costs and benefits of 5 case studies show that the multi-layout project got the highest return. There are two reasons for the result. Firstly, a multi-layout project has the lower costs that compared with developed land price. Secondly, a multi-layout project has a well-plan land-use proportion and zoning. Therefore, project developers increase sale prices related to site efficiency in each zoning. The results will lead to a discussion of recommendations for Housing subdivision projects development.

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