Study of Effective to Community and Environment of Mixed-Use Project: Cases Studies of Icon Siam, Whizdom 101 and Samyan Mitrtown

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nalinee trustborworn
Trirat Jarutach


           The objective of this research is to study and analyze the impact on community and environment of mixed-use projects, case studies of Icon Siam, Whizdom 101 and Samyan Mitrtown Project. By means of asking and in-depth interviews with the community about the effects received by interviews with developer, experts creating EIA impact reports and contractors in 400 samples.

           The results show that the impact of mixed-use projects with shopping center as mainly have been divided into the construction phase and after the construction phase, Both positive and negative impacts that can be divided into 3 areas according to the concept of sustainable development principles as economic, social and environment terms as these follow, 1. The construction period of 0-500 meters is affected by dust, smell, noise and 101-1,000 meters, most affected by traffic jams with a positive impact on employment. 2. All three post-construction phases have been positively impacted in more convenient transportation, including employment which is in line with the Smart Growth concept. As for the matter of negative impact still a traffic jam.

           Therefore, recommendations for reducing impacts are as follows: 1) For government, Type of projects that are considered to be required conducting an EIA for mixed-use project in the shopping center section must prepare the impact analysis report separately and should establish a person or juristic with expertise to analyze the effects including monitoring and evaluation from the beginning of the project until the project operate. 2) For developer should discuss and study the problems with the community by themselves before the construction of the project, promote and publish shops within the community, monitoring the construction by focusing strictly on pollution from dust, smell and noise, and coordinate traffic departments during rush hours to alleviate traffic.

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