Landscape Maintenance Service Management of High-Rise Condominiums in Bangkok and Its Vicinity

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Phattharaporn Senatham


            The main objective of this study is to study management methods for actual gardening design works for high-rise residential buildings or condominiums in Bangkok and its vicinity. This study is an empirical study.  Data was collected from a case study survey of 9 condominiums that study consisted of two main studies; 1) Gardening management in condominium projects; 2) Physical characteristics of the project and garden work found in the project.

           The results of the study indicate that the garden management method used to manage physical resources for a high-rise residential condominium was a method of hiring outsourcing contractors with the scope of work and details of the employment contract for a year per year to maintain green space in all projects. The green area found can be divided into 3 types: 1) Ground Greenery 2) Roof and Terrace Garden and 3) Vertical Garden.  Different types of landscape design will affect how you maintain and manage landscape service.  For information that can guide the management of garden maintenance work, a vertical garden was the type of garden that will affect the higher cost of landscape service. Including the maintenance of gardening jobs that require a higher skill level because the vertical gardens have been popular for gardening in high rise residential condominium projects over the past ten years. Therefore, for projects with this type of garden, the building manager has to be managed in terms of providing a specific technician in the landscape service field, including the higher gardening expenses which can be applied to the management of high-rise residential condominiums in Thailand.

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