The Influence of Background Music on Emotion and Creativity in Co-Working Space

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Praphoj Samattai
Vorapat Inkarojrit


         The purpose of this article is to study on the influence of the background music affected to emotion, feeling and creativity of people using Co-working space. Two genres of music assigned tempo   at Allegro were used in comparison between place with background music and place without background music. One is Jazz Bossa Nova and the other is Rock. The study was an experimental research with the conceptual framework applied from S-O-R model, 60 research participants were divided into 3 independent group equally (n = 20).

            The 2 situation of experiment have been done in co-working space. The Jazz Bossa Nova and Rock music were provided as a background music group through wireless on-ear headphones, as for without background music group, only ambient sound was provided. While the experiment was going on, participants had been doing questionnaires consist of general information, divergent thinking quiz and PAD emotion model assessment by using emotional opposite word. The result has shown that Jazz Bossa Nova music and Rock music used in experimental group with background music had influence on every emotional opposite words, and significantly difference level of 0.05 from experimental group without background music. About the comparison of creativity, the result has shown that there is significantly difference level of 0.05 between 3 groups in term of creativity, especially in the experimental groups with background music which have higher average. The higher average correlated to PAD emotion model assessment in moderate positive level. In case of revisiting behavior, it found that the experimental group with Jazz Bossa Nova had the highest revisiting rate, while the experimental group without music had the lowest revisiting rate. In comparison, two genres of music used in this experiment contribute to the improvement of emotion and creativity, and also be one of the factors for the service of co-working space.

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