Design Guidelines of Physical Environmental for Elderly in Religious Place (Buddhist) the Northeast Region of Thailand Case Study: Watsaket Temple in Baannamkhom, Suwannaphum,Roi Et.

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Napongpakorn Phalinyot


The design guidelines of physical environmental for elderly in religious place (Buddhist) the Northeast Region of Thailand case study: Wat Sa Ket Temple in Baan Namkhom, Suwannaphum, Roi Et aims to suggest appropriate physical environment and facilities for elders as a designing guideline. This guideline uses for religious places (temples) in northeast region. The results based on the research can be adapted appropriately to each context of the temples in the northeastern region.  The scope of research area is Wat Sa Ket, Nam Kham Sub-district, Suvarnabhumi District. Roi Et.

The research conducted a study of elderly behavior who are Buddhists to understand the problems and obstacles on the usage area of the temple. After that, all analyzed data are provided a design recommendation in terms of physical environments. It must be suitable and safe, however the context of religious places, culture, traditions and beliefs should be involved as a norm context.

The study results indicated that a religious area (temples) in rural communities in the northeast is not given a physical environment for the elderly and people. Therefore, it is necessary to propose suggestions on the physical environment design in the temple such as the activity area, green areas and recreation areas, selecting materials for flooring pavement to protect a non-slip. If the floor has different levels, there should be a ramp up path for all ages. The circulation in temple should be clearly separated vehicles and pedestrian for safety. For the restroom in the temple, providing a handrail to support the sink and toilet bowl is absolutely necessary. Other facilities and equipment such as signage, resting pavilions, trash cans, etc. should take into account the material, pattern, color scheme that is in harmony with the context of religious places (temples) to be appropriate design. These design guideline are able to apply into the religious context (temples) of each community in the northeastern properly.

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