Adaptation Strategies of Hotel Business Entreprenuers in Chiang Mai to COVID-19 Situation in 2020

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Priya Paepuang
Bussara Povatong


This research aims to explore the adaptation strategies of COVID-19 pandemic of the hotel entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai. Data was mainly collected 154 hotels categorized into 4 types by Department of Provincial Administration and Online Travel Agency (OTA). Data analysis was conducted through data collecting week-by-week between 1st February to 31st December 2020 and diagramming the relationship of measurements and adaptation indicators.

There are three major findings: first, different location has an effect on the adapting strategies found that all hotel type in Nimmanahaeminda area able to adapt themselves within 4 months. Second, hotel business adaptation also based on hotel target group, by field survey found that hotels in Night Bazaar are hard to survive and some remain open with lower than 3% of occupancy rate. Third, physical appearance of the hotel and location are affected price and the occupancy rate because hotel type 1 or hostel cannot generate full capacity.

The research results contribute to public and private sectors understanding those measures and applying for real estate adaptation and coping with problems with socio-economic change in the present and future for hotel entrepreneur and hotel business.

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Author Biography

Priya Paepuang, ภาควิชาเคหการ คณะสถาปัตยกรรมศาสตร์ จุฬาลงกรณ์มหาวิทยาลัย

Faculty of Architecture in Real Estate and Housing Development, 2021, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (Master)

Faculty of Arts in Economics, graduated with International Business Track, 2018, GPA 2.84, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand (Undergrad)


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