Determining Design Details of Medical School Hospitals in Thailand Established during the Years of 1984-2020

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Kamonporn Somkid
Triwat Viryasiri


Medical school hospitals are extensive projects that are complex in design, construction and investment. Not only do they have to serve the purpose of a school for teaching medical personnel, training nurses and conducting research experiments; they also have to efficiently operate as a functioning hospital. This paper will detail the collection, analysis and synthesis of data about medical school hospitals established between the years of 1984 to 2020.

This article is part of the thesis “Physical Characteristics of Medical School Hospitals Established During the Years of 1984 to 2020: Case Study of Outpatient Department.” The history, reason for establishment and floor plan of five hospitals, built during the period, were analyzed; Burapha University Hospital, Naresuan University Hospital, Mae Fah Luang University Medical Center Hospital, Phayao University Hospital and Walailak University Medical Center Hospital. Interviews were conducted with the architects from the three companies that designed the medical school hospitals.

Results showed that medical school hospitals design project are divided into two categories: (1) Hospitals with preexisting buildings that were later expanded to include teaching and learning. (2) Newly established hospitals with medical schools as part of their initial design. The construction of all medical school hospitals was based on the number of patient beds from the criteria of the Medical Council; at that time being not less than 400 beds. However, some hospitals, due to their policies or recommendations of the designer, planned for future expansions that will increase their capacity to significantly more than the minimum bed requirement. The Medical Council must approve all departments of the medical schools and requires a minimum of 14 departments. Although, some schools have more than the minimum number of departments to offer specialized services for medical conditions unique to the hospital’s geographic region. Then to define the details of the design project. During the design process the architects consult with a medical advisor to determine an acceptable layout. There are two hospitals with preexisting buildings staffed by doctors who can be used as advisors while the other three hospitals are newly constructed projects that have to obtain doctors from elsewhere.

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