Memory, Monument and Place: A Case Study of Don Chedi

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Vipakorn Thumwimol


Phra Borommarachanusorn Don Chedi is a significant national monument in Suphan Buri, Thailand, established on a historical and archaeological site for commemoration. A memorial fulfills its function only if it can create an emotional place for people. Therefore, this research focuses on finding a sense of place through the role of monuments over time. To understand the factors that form “place” and “sense of place” we study the tangible aspects and intangible aspects by analyzing the plans and interpret the meaning of the memorial and its elements, summarizing the relationship between the three interrelated components: (1) physical appearance, (2) activities and uses, and (3) meaning, symbol, or image. The research found that the memories of this place in each era are different, from the battlefield to the legendary site, to the empirical archaeological site, until becoming a registered monument, a memorial, and finally a tourist attraction. What remains, however, is a national consciousness: appreciation of the realm’s historical background, hero-worship, and national pride. These recognitions distribute the identity of this place.

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