Effect of Overlaid Activities in Community’s Public Space: Case Study of Talad Noi Community, Bangkok

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Tatpol Wongsamakkee
Pornsan Vichienpradit


Talad Noi community is an old community that contains various aspects of historical elements. Plus, its unique identity results in policy for community and area renewal. The spatial transformation, therefore, attracts newcomers to seek for benefits and emerge new activities within the community. This research will focus on public spaces at the community level, which are key resources for the community that previously served only local residents, while newcomers such as creative entrepreneurs and tourists flow into and cause overlaid activities. The paper studied empirical phenomena by observing and recording types and patterns of overlaid activities from multiple user groups and having interviews to detect attitudes of local residents towards effects caused by overlaid activities in the community’s public space. It is found that new activities in Talad Noi community’s public space are causing both pros and cons to local residents. Focusing on the negative side of new activities in the community’s public spaces, some activities are causing a range of effects, from manageable interference of conventional uses, contrast uses which cause some problems, to termination of some activities and avoiding space-usage of the local. Moreover, new activities in community’s public space result in changing of local residents’ behaviors when using public space in the area. In summary, suggestions are to find the right balance to manage these phenomena, and stakeholders must consider the community’s participation and benefit while considering the community’s “Carrying Capacity” which will balance all activities within these limited resources.

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