The Study of Component in Cultural Landscape, Case Study: Wat Ketkaram Community, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiangmai Province.

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Natsinee Rungphetmanee


This article is intended to identify and describe the significant cultural landscape components of Wat KetKaram community, located in Mueang Chiang Mai district, Chiang Mai province. This is a part of a study that assessed the value of the cultural landscape of Wat KetKaram community to conserve and develop components   the community. The Important components of the cultural landscape was identified and studied. Data is analyzed to evaluate the community’s attributes area to find the value and importance of these cultural landscape components.

Wat KetKaram community, with 500 years history was settled on the Ping River. It is known as one of Chiang Mai's important and well preserved residential communities. Currently, the community has been going through changes to support the tourism. The changes have impacted on way of life, cultural traditions and the community’s economy, which are important components of the cultural landscape.                        

From field surveys of the community, physical attributes may be classified into four important component; physical, socio-cultural scenery, historical and economic components. A questionnaire interview was conducted. Respondents were also asked to give rating to twenty four representative pictures to indicate values and important of cultural landscape components. Respondents rating identifies pictures of areas with the highest value namely the banks of the Ping River, Charoen Rat Road, Wat Ketkaram and important religious places. Recommendations were made to pay particular attentions to the critical areas and social economic activities considered essential to the conservation of the cultural landscape.

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