The Influence of “Ngo Kha Khi” on Pedestrian Movement in Phuket Old Town Area

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Thanawat Nakason


Phuket Old Town Appears the distinctive features of the Chinese-European shophouse architecture. the use of a semi-public area in front of the building that has a special feature as an arcade or an indoor corridor connecting the nearby building. called the walkway "Ngo Kha Khi" with the footpaths system on both sides of the road causing the pedestrian traffic system of the Phuket old town in the past to appear the densely to support natural movement of pedestrian emerged a configuration core as a good central morphological feature according to the theory

An analysis to determine the change of the Ngo Kha Khi network to the pedestrian network in present (data collected in 2020) will provide a better understanding of the potential of natural movement in the area with knowledge of urban morphology. through the question “The current disconnection of the Ngo Kha Khi network is likely to cause the Phuket Old Town to lose connection with the others pedestrian network throughout the Phuket Old Town and decreasing the level of interconnection of the network that related to the natural movement of the entire system of the Phuket old town area or not?”

It can be concluded that the results of the study Influence of the current disconnected Ngo Kha Khi network that was compared with the analysis by simulating the systematic connectivity of the Ngo Kha Khi network. It gives a less synergy coefficient and intelligibillity coefficient. It also shows the less potential to connect to the surrounding pedestrian traffic network. It makes it possible to understand that the fully connected of the Ngo Kha Khi network has an influence on increasing the potential of the pedestrian network in Old Phuket Town.

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