Comparison of the Landscape Ecological Conditions between the Ancient and Present Sukhothai City

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Supichaya Osothsilp
Danai Thaitakoo


This study aims to analyse the landscape structures in terms of the fundamental condition in selecting the human’s settlement location and the city capacity; particularly the area of ancient versus present areas of Sukhothai will be thoroughly demonstrated upon the differences of landscape ecological conditions. Geographic information system (GIS) is applied to process landscape structure maps from digital elevation data and geology map, combined with information from related studies. Overlay method is taken into account to illustrate the location of each city and reinterpret effects of ecological conditions on urban settlement.

The results of this study reveal that the settlement choices of the two cities led to different conditions and limitations due to its landscape structure. The ancient Sukhothai city explicitly manifested the understanding of landscape ecology from its choice to situate on the river terrace foothills of Pratak Mountain – as a consequence to survive any flood over 800 years, and make use of adjacent low land area as their agricultural advantages. The old settlement also well adapted furthermore by building landscape infrastructure for water management that solved the area’s problems of flash flood and water deficient during drought season. On the other hand, the present Sukhothai city located by the Yom River, has expanded beyond the natural levee and into the floodplain area, which ended up with risk of flooding every monsoon season; meanwhile the dike-like roads and flood walls that were built, blocked the natural drainage causing even more severe problems to the new city area.

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