Guidelines for the Management of Workers Camp during COVID-19 Pandemic

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Teeraya Tancharoen
Trirat Jarutach


In 2020 to 2022, there will be a crisis of COVID-19. Affects the construction business and real estate A cluster of COVID-19 infections in the residential area of ​​construction workers in the Bangkok area The construction business operators comply with the disease control measures of the Department of Health in Bangkok. But due to the situation It is a new story that has never happened before. Therefore, the researcher is interested in studying the guidelines for the management of residential areas for construction workers. But past research has found that the majority of construction worker housing studies are physical. and living characteristics of construction workers the objective of this research is to study the guidelines for resolving the management of residential areas and measures to deal with the epidemic of Covid-19 in the residential areas of construction workers. and suggesting guidelines for the development and management of residential areas for construction workers the researcher collected data from government agencies such as the Office of Environmental Health. Center for the Epidemic of Coronavirus Disease 2019 and Interview with medium-large construction business operators who were affected during COVID-19 and apply guidelines for housing management for workers according to the criteria of the Department of Health, Bangkok. It was found that the operators of the three construction companies have implemented the Bubble Protocol for the management of workers and housing. They can be divided as follows: 1. Practices and measures for cooperation in worker behavior and COVID-19 testing in workers camps 2. Worker management during COVID-19 3. Housing Management/Covid-19 Worker Housing Standards - Common Areas and Hygiene Management in Workers Camp and Surroundings 4. Consumption System Management- Consumption in the worker camp 5. Worker transport management during the COVID-19 pandemic. For this research, it will benefit construction business operators and those who are interested in management. manage area housing for construction workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, including applying such information if Emerging diseases in the future

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