Adaptation Strategies to Covid-19 Situation of Hotel Entrepreneurs to Participate in the Alternative Local Quarantine (ALQ) in Phuket Case Study Chain Hotels and Independent Hotels

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Marisa Kullapattanasopon
Bussara Povatong


Phuket is one of the provinces in Southern Thailand where main income derives from tourism business and has been heavily affected by Covid-19 pandemic situation. Therefore, Alternative Local Quarantine (ALQ) is one of the adaptation strategies for hotels in Phuket. This research aims to study the adaptation strategies of 5 stars ALQ hotels in Phuket - case study of 2 chain hotels and 2 independent hotels.

The result of the study demonstrated that 1) The main reason hotels participated in ALQ is to generate income, increase business opportunities and revive local business 2) Most ALQ participated hotels in Phuket locate close to the beach and meet all the quarantine rules and regulations requirements 3) 5 crisis management strategies adopted by the case study hotels: (1) Hybrid hotel model (2) Distinct areas separation between quarantine and general service zones (3) Suitable marketing strategies adopted during the crisis: change targeted customers, lower room rates and provide all-inclusive packages and other promotions (4) Cost management and headcount freeze (5) Employee training and education on the Covid-19 situation. Nevertheless, each hotel type adopted minor different strategies during the start of the pandemic - chain hotels adopted revenue generating strategies by partially opening selected hotel rooms and services whereas independent hotels temporarily shutting down all the services.

This research demonstrates concepts of how ALQ hotels in Phuket cope with the Covid-19 pandemic by adopting various strategies which can create guidelines, suggestions and possible future crisis management for hotel entrepreneurs.

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