The Concept of Residential Rights Management Model in The Elderly Housing Project in Thailand (Case Study of the Young Happy Group)

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Tanapon Panumat
Trirat Jarutach


The situation of the elderly in Thailand has fully entered the ageing society in 2022. Therefore, the preparation of social support for the elderly is necessary for cooperation in all sectors, including economy, health, environment, social and solutions to adapt the model of elderly care to match with the environment and accommodation that suitable for the ageing society.  The government has launched a plan to support the elderly in all areas of society, such as building an elderly housing project (Senior Complex). As a result, the development of senior complex projects in the present has increased. The real estate projects for the elderly have various forms of buying, renting and living, including complete sale, 30 years long term lease, monthly rent and daily care.  Based on the information mentioned above, the author is interested in various forms of residential rights. Therefore, became the source of study in the concept of the residential rights management model in the elderly housing project in Thailand. The purpose of studying the residency rights model of the elderly project in Thailand and abroad, which analyse the factors affecting the elderly's choice of residential rights in Thailand and the goals for the development of a residency model in the elderly housing project. Thus, the elderly can self-assess in choosing the appropriate rights by studying from the people who are preparing to access in the elderly society, project executives as well as the elderly who live within the project. The data method collected by questionnaires and in-depth interviews in the case study of Young Happy members, Wellness World Project,  Senior Complex Project, Villa Meesuk, Sawankaniwet Project and Suphawattanalai Project

            which entering retirement. Moreover, the elderly chose the right to stay in the elderly housing project, monthly and lifetime leases.  Furthermore, the factor affecting the choice of residential right to stay in the elderly housing project is depended on price and conditions of the housing.  Therefore, the guidelines for the management of residence rights are suggested from the perspective of entrepreneurs, which thought that there should have multiple forms of residential rights in one project, which the elderly can choose the most suitable for themselves and increase welfare for the elderly. To make the elderly can access the project and increase marketing opportunities for project developers.

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