Business Strategies of Small-sized Family and Non-family Real Estate Companies Developed Low-rise Housing Projects in Bangkok Metropolitan Area

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Suthasinee Suwanwalaikorn


Even though small-sized real estate companies may have encountered many difficulties and obstacles competing with large companies, they are among the largest group in the industry in Thailand. They also generate the highest business value in the real estate segment and acquire highly competitive skills. Therefore, this article focuses on business strategies, including business background through in-depth interviews with 4 companies consisting of family and non-family real estate types. In addition, the analysis also focuses on analyzing keywords and comparing the 2 groups.

The study results indicate that 1) The essential elements for starting a small business are market possibilities, land, capital, real estate background and knowledge, business expansion's vision, and passion for low-rise housing, respectively. 2) The selected case studies demonstrate that family business is run by family members, both with and without specific structure roles and expertise, while non-family business is run by a management team based on expertise. The significant similar expertise are roles division on land, marketing, and design and construction. 3) The main competitive strategies for small real estate business are product differentiation, cost leadership, and niche market focus. 4) The most significant competitive factor for small real estate business is the product differentiation strategy resulting in unique bespoke architectural design that attracts new generation customers and fastens the customers' purchasing process.

This study shows that the business model of small-sized real estate enterprises, both for family and non-family business, should adopt the business strategies that sync with the business structure and background, especially land, marketing, design, and financial factors. The study results will be useful for small real estate business entrepreneurs and the government institutions that support small enterprises to thrive in the competitive real estate market.

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