Housing Management for Sustainable Tourism A Case Study of Kiriwong Lanska District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province

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Nichakan Pattiyakool


Kiriwong Village, Kamlon Subdistrict, Lan Saka District, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, has a calm lifestyle and a familial society. Many previous tragedies have demonstrated this. Interdependence, on the other hand, has the power to transform communities. Establishing the community as a robust one and preventing the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. It's even more proof of the community's ability to be self-sufficient and community-based. I have the primary task of cultivating a mixed orchard of off-season fruit. Villagers have banded together to develop a set of jobs based on the community's resources. One of the occupation categories that are very interesting to tourists is homestay. It has evolved into a model community for ecotourism management. Until received the tourism industry award from the Tourism Authority of Thailand. Presented to study the physical elements of the home as a homestay to determine the residence's style, convert the home into homestay research the concept of accommodation management and community participation.

 According to the objectives of the study, It was found that (1) residences converted to homestays can be divided into 2 types according to the use of space between the hosts and tourists, namely: 1) Living together in the same house and sharing some internal spaces; 2) Living together within the same area in separate areas Each model aims to modify the space to increase privacy for family members and facilitate tourists. (2) The concept of community housing management housing and community management as a concept. By reference to the Thai homestay standard quality index, It may also be summed up as guidelines for managing accommodations to satisfy the demands of sustainable tourism: 1) Gain a sense of self by participating in a community. 2) Gives people in the community a sense of community. 3) Create a connection in the community between homestays and tourists. Various types 4) Inform tourists about the situation. Activities that appeal to all target groups, such as joint activities with community businesses are available lifestyle and adventure-related. (3) The community involvement process is the result of numerous parties cooperating and integrating into the administration of ecotourism. People community enterprises and both public and private organizations, local leaders, community leaders, the Kam-Lon Subdistrict Administrative Organization, universities support and develop community personnel's potential.

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