A Study of Tourist Attraction Identities to Promote Cultural Tourism: A Case Study of Oopoi Market, Ratchaburi Province

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Kanyakorn Pauangsuwan
Panayu Chairatananonda


Oh Poi Market at Ratchaburi Province. It is a riverside morning market and it was created through the collaboration of business owners, communities, temples, schools, and local governments. However, the word Oh Poi means rest in the Karen language.The objectives of this study are 1. to identify the tourist attractions of Ratchaburi Province's Oh Poi Market and 2.examine the guidelines for the promotion and growth of cultural tourism based on the nature of the tourist attraction. The sample group also consists of 6 local experts with extensive knowledge, understanding, and relationships with Oh Poi Market, as well as a group of Thai tourists who visit Oh Poi Market. A total of 279 individuals. Importantly, the instruments utilized were questionnaires and interview forms, and the data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

Following are the findings of the research: 1.The interviews with local experts revealed that the identity of Oh Poi market attractions consisted of 4 elements: 1) local products, 2) culture and traditions, 3) tourism related activities, and 4) travel place. 2. The majority of respondents have opinions regarding the Market Oh Poi community's potential identity. Overall, all aspects were at a moderate level, with local product identity opinions ranking highest. 3. The majority of respondents had opinions regarding the community of Market Oh Poi's tourist attraction factor. Ultimately, all aspects were at a moderate level, with the first opinion pertaining to the identity of a tourist attraction.The majority of respondents were pleased with Market Oo Poi's tourism industry. All aspects were at a moderate level overall. However, the respondents are most pleased with Oh Poi market's exceptional quality. (in contrast to other markets) The research provides information that the researcher has submitted the community cultural landscape model as a guideline for O-Poi market management under cultural identity to raise awareness and promote tourism in Ratchaburi province based on the aforementioned information. Continuously stimulate the economy and generate income for the villagers.

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