Cultural Landscape Components of Ancient Chaiya, Surat Thani

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Vipakorn Thumwimol
Pornthum Thumwimol


The ancient city of Chaiya, located on the peninsula of southern Thailand, is a significant Srivijaya community site, dating from the 13th to 18th centuries BE and continuing into the Ayutthaya period. To preserve the aspects of old Chaiya, it is necessary to understand Chaiya from a holistic perspective. Thus, the purpose of this research is to determine the elements of the Chaiya cultural landscape, together with human-nature interactions, socio-cultural settlement, and development. This investigation followed a landscape archaeological process and applied sources of evidence that represented a historic landscape. The study relied on historical and archaeological data, along with aerial photos and site observations.

The results revealed that traces of Chaiya's historic landscape could be found in natural resources such as dunes, plains, and canals, as well as in cultural heritage sites such as community areas and religious places. Consequently, three areas of the Chaiya cultural landscape have been identified: (1) human habitation remains on the dunes; (2) agricultural areas on flood plains with canals; and (3) religious sites, either living or dead monuments. While historic pedestrian and water transport paths have been lost or changed.

This research provides essential information for ancient Chaiya's future conservation strategy. It also demonstrates a methodology that can be applied to other cultural landscape sites.

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