BIM Adoption in Pre-construction of Residential Condominium in Thailand

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Teerapong Intarapanich


The situation of BIM adoption in the construction industry in Thailand has begun to be widely used. The adoption of BIM has advantages and limitations that arise during the construction process and during the project development phase in general. It is divided into 3 main phases, namely the Design Phase, the Construction Phase, and the Facility Management Phase. Each of these has different data requirements. It can be said that during the project development phase. However, even though it is the main operational phase, the period of the transmission of information between the Design Phase and the Construction Phase is unclear. This boundary here is called Pre-Construction Phase. Working in the pre-construction phase is one of the critical steps that can control the project’s success.

Organizations that have adopted BIM include government organizations, state enterprises, and the private sector. The order of the groups that are in the process is (1) the construction contractor group, (2) the designer group, and (3) the owner group. Three buildings with the most use of BIM are condominiums, detached houses, and hospital respectively. As for the Thai real estate industry, many leading condominium developers have applied BIM technology to their building designs.

Each group of users has different needs for data usage. During the design phase, BIM can be applied to design in terms of Concept design, Program Requirements, or a preliminary cost estimation from BIM data for use in reviewing and making decisions in the project owner's work. BIM tools can help to make the job more efficient and reduce errors, whether it helps to ensure coordination in terms of construction, create a space for the cooperation of project participants, have modeling accuracy and reduced duplication of work, model simulation combined with construction process time (4D), increased safety before commissioning.

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