Conflict Management in Extra-large Condominium Construction Projects

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Paopong Mengoen
Darunee Mongkolsawat
Charunpat Puvanant


This research aimed to study the factors of conflicts and conflict management in the construction of extra-large condominium projects in Thailand. Three projects were selected for data collection through interviews with the representatives of project owners and consultants to identify the factors of conflicts and actual conflict management strategies. The study found that conflicts arising during the construction phase are mainly due to "technical factors," which normally occur during the final stages of the project before delivery. Technical factors are important for this type of project because they have a significant impact on the quality of the rooms delivered to customers and their satisfaction, which is an indicator of the success of this kind of project. The second most important factor is "contractual factors," such as ambiguous interpretation of contract content, unclear scope of work, and conflicts arising from the contract terms. Finally, "behavioral factors" include refusal to acknowledge personal capabilities, lack of responsibility for one's own or collective tasks, and inadequate communication between individuals, organizations, or between organizations. The construction of condominium projects studied used three conflict management methods, namely "problem-solving method," which is the main method of managing conflicts that arise from technical factors affecting the quality of construction work; second, the "force method," which is the use of authority under certain conditions, and lastly, the "compromise method," which is the method of conflict resolution by negotiation and compromise. The conflicts that occurred during the construction process of a condominium project resulted in delays in project delivery and subpar workmanship during project delivery. Therefore, it is necessary to address and prevent these conflicts through appropriate conflict management techniques prior to entering the construction phase in order to help reduce problems and the impact on the success of the project.

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