Accumulation and Classification of Smart Living Framework from Theoretical and Practical Case Studies

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Suchanad Phuprasoet


Information & Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Internet of Things (IoTs) are fundamental technologies of Industry 4.0. Simultaneously, 56% of the World population lives in cities which causes global urbanization and climate change. For this reason, those aforementioned technologies can be utilized for city management, improving the citizens’ quality of life and aiming to become a Smart city, including Smart living. That means a city with a concept to improve citizens’ quality of life with all aspects of quality of life. In terms of housing quality, they began to apply an integration of ICTs in the Smart building or Smart home to enhance the quality of life. Since research about systematic data management in this area is not comprehensive and up to date, hence, this research aims to collect and group the Smart living framework in terms of housing quality that is comprehensive and applicable nowadays.

Initially, the researcher used data coding to screen keywords related to the Smart living framework in terms of housing quality throughout the literature review for both theoretical and practical studies. Seven case studies were chosen. Subsequently, accumulating, categorizing, analyzing data, and synthesizing the Smart living framework respectively. The result showed that the Smart living framework in terms of housing quality is classified into two main classes, such as Managing and Operating classes, including a total of 6 criteria and 70 indicators, and also the relationships between indicators in each criterion were analyzed. Significantly, a fundamental component and gap related to Smart living research were found. In this paper, Theoretical studies have conceptual Smart living frameworks as guidelines, which is more comprehensive than practical studies. In other words, Practical studies will not be able to completely follow the guidelines of theoretical studies until the level of technological advancement is able to support them. Consequently, a framework integrated from theoretical and practical studies makes this Smart living framework progressively complete.

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