Wide-Span Steel Roof Structure : A Case Study of the Red Line Skytrain Stations (Taling Chan-Bang Sue-Rangsit)

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Duangkamon Chuemeechai
Songkiat Teartisup


This article is part of the thesis, “Factors Affecting the Design of Structural Steel Building: A Case Study of the Red Line Skytrain Stations (Taling Chan-Bang Sue-Rangsit). The study analyses the structure of the wide-span steel roof of the four different station structures: Chatuchak Station, Don Mueang Station, Bang Son Station, and Taling Chan Station.

Academic literature was reviewed and people involved in the Red Line station design were interviewed. The actual site survey was also done accordingly. Station types can be classified into 5 types, consisting of 3 types of Dark Red Lines and 2 types of Light Red Lines. The process of the study was divided into three steps. Firstly, the structural theory was reviewed through academic literature. Next, the data was collected from the actual location to understand the physical characteristic of the studied building. In the last step, the result was analyzed and concluded. The structure was analyzed, classified, and tested. The structure’s internal force was tested under the SAP2000 program. The study found that 2 types of structures were constructed as the Red Line station’s roof structure; a wide-span roof structure and a T-shaped column structure.

The study found that 2 types of structures were constructed as the Red Line station’s roof structure; a wide-span roof structure and a T-shaped column structure. The wide-span structure is consistent with the platform design; therefore, each station has a different wide-span distance and a variety of steel sizes. In addition, a behavioural study on the joint of the supporting structure tested in the SAP2000 program found that the 1st, 2nd, and 4th structures are wide-span structures. The fixed base reduces the effect of structural deformation and increases the momentum distribution. The 3rd and 5th structure is a T-shaped column structure. The fixed support base was analyzed, and the moment was distributed throughout the building while the most deformed structure was found at the eaves.

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