Conceptual Framework of Tourism Resilience in Spatial Planning Organization in Thailand Context

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Teerakarn Pinitkul
Nattapong Punnoi


Building resilience in the tourism industry is a goal of urban development and urban economic revitalization that many international organizations and countries are prioritizing after being severely affected by COVID-19 which severely damaged the economy and the tourism sector, especially in countries that rely mainly on tourism like Thailand. The objectives of this article are as follows: to review and synthesize literature and research related to tourism resilience, especially on spatial management and related organizations or spatial planning organization; to create an organizational framework for spatial development strategies and tourism city development strategies that are more flexible in dealing with crises appropriate to the context of Thailand; and to help pave the way for further studies, research, and development of policies and strategies for spatial development that promote the country’s tourism sector recovery, encourage sustainable development, building its resilience to future crises.

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