Opportunities and Limitations of Implementing Digital Twin Technology in Office Buildings in Thailand from the Expert Perspectives

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Tanasinee Sutti
Phatsaphan Charnwasununth
Satakhun Kosavinta


Digital Twin technology refers to the complete integration of virtual and physical objects that communicate with each other bidirectionally, meaning that the data is automatically linked. In recent years, the Digital Twin technology has gained attention from various industries, including office real estate which incorporates complex space and building service systems. This study aims to explore the current situation and trends in the use of Digital Twin technology, as well as the opportunities and limitations of implementing it in office buildings in Thailand. The research was conducted through a literature review and expert interviews.

The study found that Digital Twin technology is currently in the early stages of research and there is an unclear framework for its implementation. However, there is an increasing awareness of this technology. The most significant opportunities are the use of building simulation for design, and planning of interior spaces within construction projects, business opportunities, and marketing opportunities. When it comes to implementing this technology in buildings, there are limitations that have the most significant impact on its use. These limitations include changing workflows, increased operational costs from sensor usage and additional resource requirements, high operational expenses, lack of technology implemented in the contract, doubts regarding return on investment, lack of support from top-level management, and a lack of demand from customers and government agencies.

This research demonstrates that utilizing Digital Twin technologies in commercial office real estate in Thailand still requires effort from stakeholders to overcome limitations and create an environment suitable for their implementation. Experts suggest the collaboration between government, industrial operators, and educational institutions to develop policies, regulations, and training programs that can support the growth of Digital Twin technology in the real estate sector.

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