The Changes of Housing Condition of a Relocation from under Bridge Community to a Rewarded Community : Case of Onnut 14 Rai Community

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Wijittra Youngme
Kundoldibya Panitchpakdi


On Nut 14 Rai Community is a model community for waste management that received an 'Outstanding Model Saleng Community' Award. With 'Zero Baht Shop' as a driver to solve the economic and social problems in the community until the success has been acknowledged outside. In the past, the community used to be a trespassing community under the bridge. The housing conditions are insecure and unhygienic. At August 10, 1993, the Government of Thailand decided to solve the housing problem of the under-bridge communities in Bangkok. The National Housing Authority and the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration have jointly implemented the project with the Habitat Development Foundation, with the process of relocating the community to a new place with participation. Dividing the new area into three areas, one of which is On Nut 14 Rai Community.

At present, housing in the community has been developed with participation for 22 years. The community has developed until it has received awards. Feedback study on habitat change are therefore important. The objectives of the study were 1) to study the change of housing conditions in the On Nut 14 Rai community from the period of relocation to the present; 2) to study factors affecting the change of housing conditions and current housing conditions problems; and 3) to suggest guidelines for community development and housing conditions.

The results of the study of nine sample cases found that 1) Regarding the change of housing conditions in On Nut 14 Rai community from the period of resettlement to the present, it was found to the sample cases had 22.2 percent of very good change of housing conditions, 55.3 percent of the condition improved, and 22.2 percent of the condition worsened. 2) For factors that cause change of housing conditions, 2.1) Factors that improve housing conditions: the top 3 most common are increase of demand for living space, Good occupation and environment, and the number of members increased and elderly are raised by offsprings. 2.2) Economic and social factors of the household are the main factors that improve housing conditions. 2.3) Community Award Factor: it affects only 1 in 24 cases. 3) For the present housing conditions problems: it was found that although most houses have changed for the better, they have also encountered problems with housing conditions. There are 36% of the houses deteriorated, 32% had environment problems, 27% had hygiene problems, and 5% had usable space problems. There should be housing development, leading to 1) suggestions to the community. To organize a community housing cooperative to improve the house and self-developing home improvement skills. 2) Suggestions to government agencies. The community development process should include the physical housing development process in parallel. There should be supports of career and income that are consistent and promote knowledge of minimum standards and good hygiene in housing.

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