The Change of Land Space Utilization after the Construction of Flood Protection Dike: A Case Study of Paknampho Subdistrict, Nakhon Sawan

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Nutthaya Tharnthongwong
Sineenart Sukolratanametee


This research aims to 1) explore the impacts of flood protection dikes at Paknampho subdistrict, Nakhon Sawan toward its flood protection efficiency and toward people’s confidence in flood protection, 2) explore the impacts of flood protection dikes on people's activities and 3) study the impacts of flood protection dike on people's place attachment in order to provide recommendations for physical improvements on the area along the flood protection dike. The research process includes selecting a study area with apparent physical changes as well as collecting data using observations, Post-Occupancy Evaluations (POE), interviews, and questionnaires in order to collect data on users’ activities, space utilizations, and attitudes toward sense of place.

The results revealed that the construction of flood protection dike can protect severe flooding.  Also, people in the area have a high level of confidence in the flood protection. The construction of flood protection dike also leads to a wider variety of activities. However, there is a decrease in the number of users and boat traffic. The flood protection dike raised an awareness of the importance of the river. On the other hand, it creates a visual blind spot between the city and the river and reduces the aesthetic value of the river. In addition, those who live in the area or have been living for a long time have a greater attachment to the river. This is due to their experiences with the community way of life.

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