Roles and Duties of Construction Management Consultant (CMC) in Implementing Building Information Modeling (BIM) in Government Sector Construction Projects

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Krittachai Chounboon


Since A.D. 2018, the public sector has been interested in implementing Building Information Model (BIM) in the construction process to reduce errors in fieldwork, affecting all related stakeholders, which are the owner, the designer, the contractor, and the construction management consultant (CMC), that must adjust their workflows due to the conversion. Meanwhile, the recent studies of the consultant’s scope of work involving BIM are still limited and lack of information from related parties. This led to the purpose of this study to find out the effects of using BIM on the CMC role, by interviewing 18 stakeholders from seven case studies.

Based on the research, government construction projects have four categories of BIM development process. Mostly, BIM has been created by the contractor to recreate new construction information during the construction process which opposes the theoretical framework of BIM process, leading to the discrepancy between the expected pre-construction timeline and the actual. From the 11 benefits of applying BIM in construction management, according to a review, the three most common uses are 1) 3D coordination during the construction process and As-built BIM, 2) Shop drawing and model, and 3) Planning and monitoring construction progress respectively. However, the major pain points are the lack of preparedness for CMC’s in BIM adoption, the unproficiency of personnel, the extra cost of software and license products, insufficient time caused by recreating the information, and the unclear scope of work.

The research shows the significant role of CMC in BIM adoption in the construction process, for building simulating construction process. Therefore, the CMC should be in every part of BIM adoption, which should consider the personnel and process problems in the first place.

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