Behavior, Decision Factor and Satisfaction of Natural Hot Spring Tourists: Case Studies of Porn Rang Hot Spring, Taryn Hot Spring in Ranong, and Wareerak Hot Spring and Wellness in Krabi

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Ratthawit Setthayukanont
Trirat Jarutach


The trend of health tourism at natural hot spring destinations in Thailand has been growing significantly, with both the public and private sectors showing interest and promoting wellness tourism businesses. This research’s objectives are to study the demographic and behavior of tourists at natural hot spring tourist destinations, to study the decision factors and satisfaction of tourists towards the tourism components of natural hot spring tourist destinations and to propose development guidelines for natural hot spring tourist destinations. The study includes a sample group of tourists three locations which are Porn Rang Hot Spring, Taryn Hot Spring in Ranong and Wareerak Hot Spring and Wellness in Krabi, with 410 respondents in total and In-depth interviews were conducted with three business operators

The study found the following 1) The majority of respondents were female, aged 41-50 years, working in private companies or as private sector employees. Their monthly income ranged from 10,000 to 25,000 Baht, and they had bachelor's degrees. Most of them resided in South of Thailand. Their main purpose for traveling was relaxation, it was their first visit to a natural hot spring destination. They spent less than one day at the location, usually traveling with family or relatives, and their expenses were less than 100 Baht. They learned about the tourist destinations through friends or acquaintances. 2) Tourists ranked the importance of decision-making factors for visiting natural hot spring destinations in the following order: the attractions, amenities, activities, ancillary services, accommodations and accessibility. Overall, tourists were very satisfied, had a tendency to revisit, and recommended the destinations to acquaintances. 3) Tourists have suggested adding activities at the tourism destination, such as massages and spas, improving access roads and transportation to the tourist site, adding restaurant services, enhancing staff services, and improving physical facilities, especially the mineral water pools. Business operators have emphasized the importance of understanding the context and considering the unique features of the natural hot springs. They also suggest closely observing the behavior and preferences of tourist groups to adapt and tailor the tourism destination according to the specific needs and desires of the visitors.

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