Management Model of Cleaning Services Personnel according to the Terms of Reference (TOR) for Government Healthcare Facility Cleaning Contracts

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Thatsayaphon Kueachu


Important factors leading to the standardization of cleaning service contracts in hospital buildings include the number of personnel. This must be specified in the Terms of Reference (TOR) to ensure mutual understanding between the contracting parties. Therefore, this research aims to study the principles and analyze the methods for organizing cleaning personnel in government hospital buildings. The study involves examining the TORs of 13 projects and interviewing 18 relevant stakeholders.

Based on the study, it was found that the building area (in square meters) is a key factor in determining the number of cleaning personnel. It can be identified into three patterns which are firstly, the detailed project specifications, specifying positions, the number of cleaning personnel, wages, area names, responsible area sizes, clear working days and times (divided into morning, afternoon, and night shifts), as well as the quantity and specifications of various materials and equipment. Work standards according to clearly defined plans were outlined. There were five projects following this pattern. Secondly, the moderate-level project specifications, detailing the number of cleaning personnel and the responsible buildings, but not specifying area names, working days, or work standards. Materials and equipment were provided sufficiently for use without specifying quantities and specifications. There were three projects that followed this pattern. Lastly, the minimal-level project specifications, specifying only the number of cleaning personnel and the overall building area. Other factors were left for the contractor to manage independently. There were five projects following this pattern. Due to the lack of detail in the case study project specifications, especially regarding significant factors, it resulted in unclear staffing patterns. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively define these factors to establish a consistent standard.

The research findings indicate that among the 13 case studies conducted in state-run hospitals, key factors include the total building area (in square meters), workspace area, number of personnel, and area of responsibility. These factors are essential for determining the staffing requirements, aligning with the research of Peters et al. (2018). However, the project specifications lack comprehensive data, particularly on crucial factors, which is vulnerable but essential for proposing efficient projects. Consequently, this variance affects the standards of operational practices.

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