The Roles and Changes of Kaeng Nam Ton Wetland, Mueang Khon Kaen District, Khon Kaen Province

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Nantana Thawornfang


The wetlands play an important role in ecosystems because they are the boundary between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. The distribution of wetland types and quantities varies by topography with specific vegetation characteristics of adapted to the constantly changing water environment and confined soil conditions. As a result, each wetland has the particularities that vary according to the dimensions of space and time. For this reason, the role of wetlands is important to creatures living around them. However, it has been found that the number of wetlands has decreased significantly due to changes in areas to accommodate urban expansion or from encroachment, and the occupancy of wetlands for agriculture, resulting in the deterioration of wetlands and leading to the permanent loss of wetlands.

The objective of this research is to study the role and changes of Kaeng Nam Ton wetlands, Khon Kaen Province within a time limit of changes in the role of wetlands caused by a development project for water retention for agricultural use by using satellite image data from 2001 to 2022 and a geographic information system classifying land use and analyzing changes in two periods, namely during 2001 to 2010 and during 2010 to 2022 as well as analyzing to explain how such changes affected the role of Keang Nam Ton wetlands.

The research results revealed changes.  Rice fields and forest areas tended to decrease while urban areas and built-up structures tended to increase.   Moreover, there were increasing areas of aquaculture facilities and other agricultural areas. It has also been found that after 2001, Keang Nam Ton wetland have changed in size with dwindling areas due to changes for water retention and the construction of a water storage dam for water use in agriculture. These changes have reduced the ecological role of areas and may result in the deterioration of wetlands, leading to the loss of wetlands.

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