The Study of Environment Suitable for Dependent Elderly People in Private Sector Establishments: A Case Study of Bangkok Metropolitan Region and its Vicinity

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paweenawat ruengrojtana
Trirat Jarutat


From the situation where the number of elderly population is continuously increasing. The United Nations has predicted that the period 2001 - 2100 will be the Century of the Elderly. Obviously, developed countries have the highest number of elderly people in the world and most of them have entered the elderly society. While Asia has the 4th largest elderly population in the world, the situation in ASEAN countries consists of 10 member countries. Thailand has the 2nd highest elderly population among the ASEAN member countries with the highest number of elderly people in 2023. Thailand's population structure is in Towards a completely aging society Such changes Housing and elderly care business To support and reach the elderly who are dependent. From a study of the types of accommodations for the elderly, palliative care or dependent people who need 24-hour care, the provision of accommodations, nursing care, and having full-time caregivers has a tendency to expand, with the highest number of applications for permission accounting. It is 97 percent of all permission requests. from the increasing expansion of the elderly Increased establishments Modifying the physical environment accordingly to prepare a place to accommodate or modify the environment in the original area to be suitable for the dependency of the elderly in order to restore and promote a better quality of life This issue therefore becomes an important source of this study. The objective is to study the physical characteristics of establishments that currently provide care for the elderly, and to suggest guidelines for developing and improving these establishments that care for dependent elderly people and suit to the context of Thai aging society. From interviews with specialists in order to draw conclusions and recommendations. By collecting data through questionnaires, interviews, and non-participant observation. and surveying the area. This research project included 3 case studies.

The results of the study found that the physical characteristics of establishments that care for the elderly are problematic. There are limitations and obstacles that are not suitable for use. Each project will have different usage limitations in each order. And the problems found are the same but in a different order, such as bathrooms, internal thoroughfares, materials, common areas, storage rooms. Most of them are mainly caused by modifications from the original building that were not designed according to the principles of Universal Design.

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