Sustainable Operational Strategies of Resort Businesses Certified By Green Hotel Standard in Phuket Province: Case Studies of Kalima Resort and Spa Phuket, Peach Hill Hotel and Arinara Bangtao Beach Resort

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Panwad Pholbumroongwatchara


Today, the world is placing a strong emphasis on sustainable development, including in Thailand, where the tourism industry generates significant revenue but also consumes substantial energy and has notable environmental impacts. This research aims to explore the role of certification in promoting sustainable operations. The study focuses on the operational strategies of resorts in Phuket province that have achieved Green Hotel certification at gold, silver, and bronze levels, using three case studies: Kalima Resort and Spa Phuket, Peach Hill Hotel, and Arinara Bang Tao Beach Resort. Data were primarily collected through interviews with entrepreneurs, followed by analysis to extract key insights and recommendations for advancing Thailand's sustainable tourism sector.

The study reveals three key findings. First, the resorts have successfully adapted to become more sustainable. Key drivers for obtaining Green Hotel certification include business expansion, environmental considerations, location, and the sustainability vision of their leadership. Second, the case study resorts prioritize sustainability across four main areas: (1) resource and energy management, (2) community engagement, (3) sustainable procurement, and (4) human resource development. Given that hospitality is a long-term investment, efficient resource management is crucial for cost reduction, while service enhancements are important for revenue generation. Third, the overall sustainability performance of these resorts is positive. Entrepreneurs report that participation in Green Hotel certification has been well received by guests, employees, and local communities, with all parties benefiting. However, some guests may offer negative feedback due to a lack of understanding of the resort's sustainable practices.

The research highlights several critical factors for achieving success in sustainable accommodation. These include effective energy and resource management, active engagement with and support for community enterprises, involvement in social initiatives, and fostering awareness and knowledge of sustainability among both staff and guests.

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