The Study of Flood Hazard Parameters by Delphi technique : A Case of Sappaya District, Chainat Province

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charin vittayapohn
Panayu Chairatananonda


Nowadays, floods have become one of the major disasters that affects people who live in the central plain of Thailand. The flood types and factors for each location are different depending on the geography of the location and other anthropogenic activities. This study focused on the flood factors in Sappaya District, Chainat Province. Sappaya District is a flood sensitive area because it is the first downstream district which has been affected from increasing the discharge rate from the Chao Phraya Dam and most of urban areas in this district are in a riverbank along the Chao Phraya River. The Delphi technique was used to receive a consensus from the local expert group about the flood factors of Sappaya District. The local expert group consists of 12 local experts who are associated with flood assessment, mitigation, and prevention in Sappaya area. To receive the consensus of flood factors of Sappaya District, 3 rounds of questionnaire surveys were conducted.

The results from the analysis of questionnaire surveys revealed that the flood factors groups which impact to Sappaya District from high to low levels are rain accumulation, water management, flood prevention structures, physical characteristics of the river, city plan or land used, and geography of the area, respectively. The consensus of flood factors of Sappaya District from the local expert group can be used as the foundation for the planning and policy studying of flood prevention and mitigation in this area. The comparison study of the differential aspects from the local experts and the GIS results in the flood factors is another potential further study of this area of work that may lead to the improvement of the flood local assessment.

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