Management of Fire Prevention in High-rise Buildings and Large-scale Buildings: A Case Study of an Office Building on South Sathorn Road, Bangkok
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This article studies fire protection management in high-rise office buildings and special large buildings. It focuses on a case study of a 350,000 square meter office building located on South Sathorn Road, an A-grade office completed in 1995, situated in the central business district. The building has 58 floors and a 10-floor retail section, with connections to the BTS Chong Nonsi station and the BRT Sathorn bus station. Each office floor has an area of 3,300 square meters, while the retail space covers 10,000 square meters. The study examines methods for managing fire protection, outlining the responsibilities of various operational roles that influence fire management, such as building management, engineering, and safety departments. The data of the study was collected through interviews, structured around groups of executives, operators, and fire management experts, alongside legal and theoretical frameworks related to fire management. Findings of the studies indicate that in the event of a fire, the management process consists of four stages: detection, suppression, evacuation, and relief. The results can be utilized to develop fire response plans, serving as guidelines for managing fire protection in high-rise and special large office buildings.
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