Process and Physical Characteristics of Residential Units in the Development of a WELL Building Standard Certified Multi-family Residential Project

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Chayanont Taechahasadin
Phatsaphan Charnwasununth
Atch Sreshthaputra


In recent years, condominiums have become increasingly popular in Bangkok, and people have begun to pay more attention to living in a way that promotes well-being. This study focuses on the process and physical of residential units in the development of condominium projects that have been certified by the WELL Building Standard. This Standard is a strong emphasis on the well-being of building occupants. In 2022, only one project in Thailand received WELL certification for multi-family residential buildings. This project is a 42-storey condominium with 222 units located in Bangkok. The researcher conducted the study using methods of literature review, project documents, physical observation of the building, and in-depth interviews.

The study found that the development process for WELL Gold Certified Multi-family projects involves seven additional steps compared to non-certified projects. All 26 criteria from 6 of the 7 WELL categories (Air, Water, Nourishment, Light, Comfort, and Mind) must be met in all residential units. These criteria fall into 2 categories: 1) physical criteria (5 items), such as sink size, operable windows, blackout curtains in bedrooms, two-basin deep sink, refrigerator with food labels and compartmentalized storage, under-sink trash bin with hands-free operation, and 2) system criteria (21 items), such as the use of MERV 13 or higher air filters. The air category demands the most extensive measures. The air category requires the most attention. The project developer, WELL experts, and designers agreed that the advantages of developing condominiums under WELL criteria include: 1) residents can be confident that they will live in a healthy environment and 2) the project will have a higher value. However, the disadvantages include increased costs for WELL certification and for materials and equipment that must meet WELL standards.

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