Monitoring Application Usage by Juristic Person in Residential Condominium Management

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Ariya Ariyachotima
Phatsaphan Charnwasununth


In 2024, the residential condominium real estate business in Bangkok is growing rapidly, leading to increased market competition. As a result, developers are focusing on improving the quality of property management to meet customer demands. The adoption of technology, such as applications, has become a crucial tool for enhancing the efficiency of property management. This article aims to study the concepts of application development, preparation for usage, usage monitoring and results, and the limitations of using applications in property management. The study includes a review of relevant literature, project document studies, interviews with application developers and project managers, and non-participant observations. The case study projects include The Address Siam-Ratchathewi, managed by Smart Service and Management Co., Ltd.; The Line Chatuchak-Mochit, managed by Plus Property Co., Ltd.; and Knightsbridge Kaset Society, managed by Primo Service Solution Co., Ltd.

The study found that the main factor driving the adoption of applications in property management is the change in living behavior of residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Using applications can reduce paper resource costs, save time in operations, and improve the quality of information in various tasks. However, some limitations were identified, such as difficulties arising from inappropriate user interface design and features, lack of data integration, which can complicate operations, waste time, and prevent full utilization of the application’s potential.

The study's recommendations include that application developers should focus on designing user interfaces and features that are easy to use and meet operational needs while ensuring seamless data integration. Administrators should provide adequate training to prepare staff, evaluate the overall investment value in application development, and encourage further research on application usage in other dimensions to maximize the effectiveness of application implementation.

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