Administrator’s Adversity Quotient Affecting Being Innovative Organization of Secondary School under the Office of Basic Education Commission

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Nuchnara rattanasiraprapha


The research objectives were to study; 1) the level of secondary school administrator’s adversity quotient, 2) the level of being innovative organization of secondary school and 3) the administrator’s adversity quotient affecting being innovative organization of secondary school. The research instrument was an opinionnaire. The samples were 331 secondary schools. The 4 specified respondents in each school were: a school director, a school deputy director, a chief of learning department and a teacher, total of 1,324 specified respondents approximately. The statistics for analyzing the data were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The research findings were as follow: (1) the level of secondary school administrator’s adversity quotient as a whole and each aspect were at high, (2) the level of being innovative organization of secondary school as a whole and each aspect were at high, and (3) the administrator’s adversity quotient affecting being innovative organization of secondary school were: Optimism, Academic Achievement, Resilience and Perceived Self-Efficacy at .05 level of significant with R = .768, R2 = .590, Adjusted R2 = .585, Standard Error = .24275 which can be shown by regression equation as follows: tot = .184 + .577X6 + .385X2 + .406X4 + .378X3

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