การศึกษาสภาพความรู้ เจตคติ และการปฏิบัติเกี่ยวกับพฤติกรรมส่งเสริมสุขภาพของนักเรียนในปัจจุบันและที่ควรจะเป็น (Health Promotion Behavior’s Knowledge, Attitude and Performance of Students in Present and Should be)


  • อมรา วิสูตรานุกูล (Ammara Visutranukoon) Srinakharinwirot University
  • อัจศรา ประเสริฐสิน (Ujsara Prasertsin)
  • ปิยพงษ์ คล้ายคลึง (Piyapong Khaikleng)


Health promotion behavior’s knowledge, Health promotion behavior’s attitude, Health promotion behavior’s performance, Need Assessment


The purpose of this research was to study of health promotion behavior’s knowledge, attitude and performance of students in present and should be. The sample consisted of 266 lower secondary school students. The research instruments were health promoting behavior’s knowledge, attitude and performance scale with content validity (IOC) range from 0.80-1.00 and the reliability of .297, .759, and .875 respectively. The result of the study founded that the environment conservation were most needed by the knowledge (PNImodified=1.84), attitude (0.65) and performance (0.332). This research results had shown the needs assessment about health promotion behavior’s knowledge, attitude and performance. The most needs assessment was the environment conservation. So, the school should be created the activities for enhancing the student to develop knowledge, attitude and performance in the environment conservation. In furthermore, the teacher may be integrating the activities in the subject or participating in the community.

Author Biography

อมรา วิสูตรานุกูล (Ammara Visutranukoon), Srinakharinwirot University

Ujsara Prasertsin work as a lecturer at the Educational and Psychological Test Bureau, Srinakharinwirot University in research, psychometric, measurement and evaluation. 




