Variation Techniques in Thai Classical Music Compositions

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Jarernchai Chonpairot



In general, variation is one of the most popular techniques of modifying a given musical idea. In Thai classical music the variations are found as parts of a composition as well as in creating a new composition. This paper aimed at: 1) examining the variation techniques in Thai classical music compositions, and 2) variation techniques for creating new Thai classical music compositions. Qualitative method, through document and field work, was used in this study. Selected compositions of different forms---phleng klet, phleng tap, phleng diao, and phleng thao, were analyzed.

     The results of the study showed that there were two types of variation technique---variation techniques within compositions and variation techniques used for the creation of new compositions. Variation techniques within compositions were created through various types of imitations, sequences, pitch levels. On the variation techniques that were used for the creation of new compositions, the new compositions may be in the same length, in one-half length, or in double length of the original composition. If there are three variations originated from one composition and played in succession, from sam chan, song chan, and chan diao, it is called phleng thao.

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