Innovation and Digital Marketing to Firm Performance of Small and Medium Business in Thailand (in Thai)

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Kristiya Moonsri


The purposes of this research were: (1) to study elements of innovation and digital marketing to performance of small and medium business in Thailand (2) to analyze influence of innovation and digital marketing to performance of small and medium business in Thailand and (3) to study development model of small and medium business for the firm performance. This research consisted of a combination of both qualitative and quantitative approach. The samples used in the qualitative research were of entrepreneurs 9 people. The samples for the quantitative research were 500 entrepreneurs of small and medium business. Instruments used to collect the data were questionnaires. The statistics used in data analysis included, percentage, average, standard deviation, frequency, Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, Exploratory Factor Analysis and structural equation modeling. From the results it was found that the element of innovation has 2 factors, digital marketing has 3 factors and firm performance has 2 factors. The model shows that the innovation has a direct influence on firm performance with a value equal to 0.377. The innovation has a direct influence on the digital marketing with a value equal to 0.801. The digital marketing has a direct influence on firm performance with a value equal to 0.557 and the innovation indirect influence to firm performance, with a value equal to 0.823.

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How to Cite
Moonsri, K. . (2019). Innovation and Digital Marketing to Firm Performance of Small and Medium Business in Thailand (in Thai). Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 8(2), 36–62. retrieved from
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