Buddhist Monks in the Upper-northern Thailand as Social Change Agents in the Post-Kruba Srivichai Period-2017 (in Thai)

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Chalongrat Charoensri


This research aimed to analyze the role of important Buddhist monks of the upper-northern Thailand after the revered Kruba Srivichai passed away in driving social change through socially-engaged working through documentary research. According to the research, Buddhist monks perform different roles in: (1) Lanna culture and identity promotion; (2) human resource development; (3) natural resource and environment protection; (4) charity social work; and (5) temple development as a part of spiritual tourism promotion. Important instruments applied for driving change consist of the use of personal status and specialized knowledge which provide them a strong development network, the use of existing development infrastructure, the establishment of their own development agency, and the adequate communication with the society while the factors affecting the role are cult of personality and lack of mission care-taker, irrelevance between course for change and target groups and, the local influential leader’s role.

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How to Cite
Charoensri, C. . (2018). Buddhist Monks in the Upper-northern Thailand as Social Change Agents in the Post-Kruba Srivichai Period-2017 (in Thai). Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(2), 48–75. Retrieved from https://so05.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/MFUconnexion/article/view/241199
Research article


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