Returns to Education Using a Quantile Regression: General Education and Vocational Education (in Thai)

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Thitima Plubplueng


This article is calculating returns to education between male and female workers. The sample was Thai workers aged 15-45 years old. The researcher collected data from the database on the labor force survey 2015 of the National Statistical Office and analyzed the data based on Mincer’s model and quantile regression method. It found that with the same education level, the wages of male workers were considerably higher than female worker. Male and female workers having obtained Mathayom 6 education had lower returns on education than those having obtained Mathayom 3 education about 15-22% and 22-25% respectively. Male and female workers who had a vocational certificate had higher returns on education than those with Mathayom 3 education about 32-52% and 25-38% respectively. This reflected that demand for low-skilled workers with vocational education was higher than workers who had general education in most establishments. Therefore, the government should concretely increase the number of vocational students by granting conditional funds to poor students to pursue vocational education.

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How to Cite
Plubplueng, T. . (2018). Returns to Education Using a Quantile Regression: General Education and Vocational Education (in Thai). Connexion: Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 7(1), 93–117. retrieved from
Research article


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