Sustainable Pollution Management of Dairy Farm at Mae Tha Sub-district, Mae On District, Chiang Mai Province (in Thai)
Main Article Content
According to a farming problem situation, the development of milk cow daily farming in Mae Tha Sub-District could be divided into 4 periods. (1) The beginning period. It was a trail period of a milk cow farming as a new occupation in the village. (2) The awakened and learning period. People in the community learnt of that milk cow daily farming could make them better in earning of income which causing the increasing number of people in the community to become milk cow daily farmers. (3) The prosperous period. While there was an increasing in a number of entrepreneurs in milk cow daily farm due to a good and continuously earning of income, there were some environmental pollution caused by this daily farming which considered as a dispute needed to be settled by the community leaders. (4) The saturated and environmental pollution management period. From the initial entrepreneurs who had experiences on making a fortune from this business, there were still some high cost of expenses in this business. It was also there was increasingly in environmental pollution effect on community. Some entrepreneurs could not solve this problem within their farms as the same time the number of milk cow entrepreneur was declined. Mae Tha community started collectively and participatory in solving this environmental pollution problem as following (1) to build up the lawn or bed for drying cow dung both within and without buildings. (2) to build up wastewater pond before treatment and (3) to build up a system of biogas fermentation puddle.
The level of participation in environmental pollution solving problem of the community of Mae Tha was considered at the moderate level. It is necessary to emphasis on participatory from all stakeholders at the district level as a joint working group committee to handle the problem in an appropriate process and sustainability for the community.
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